Unstoppable Gorg (PC, XBLA and iPad)

Inicio Foros Videojuegos y otras hierbas Trailers y vídeos Unstoppable Gorg (PC, XBLA and iPad)

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Raúl García Luna el 20 de julio de 2011 at 10:40

Extra! extra! Ciencia ficción de serie B de los 50 del siglo pasado, en blanco y negro, todo ello para un Tower Defense. Siempre es refrescante que se molesten en realizar estas variaciones :D.


Detalles del vídeo, curiosos curiosos.
Look closely during the armada clip and you will see the strings holding the flying saucers in place for the camera. Unstoppable Gorg is a lovingly crafted homage to a great era of sci-fi. Our game artists are recreating the special effects techniques of the time in-game and focusing their full attention on every detail of this period sci-fi experience.

The trailer was made mainly from clips of public domain archive footage from the war time era. The Internet Archive http://www.archive.org/ is a fantastic resource for such material and we encourages you to create your own mash-ups and remixes using the "It’s War!" trailer and other clips freely available from the site.[/quote]

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