Luminesca (PC)

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Raúl García Luna el 20 de mayo de 2011 at 10:06

Un juego de aspecto minimalista que juega con alguno de los efectos visuales que pudimos ver en Limbo, a mi personalmente me recuerda al será accesible durante este fin de semana. Aprovechad <img loading=» title=»Guiño» />!


PD: Su autor Intenta recaudar fondos para finalizar el proyecto. Si os ha gustado y os sentís caritativos no es una mala opción.

[quote]Luminesca is the work of one man (with a bit of help from some friends) on a shoestring budget, which is why I am seeking your help in developing it!
Of course I don’t expect everyone to just hand over their money. Another simple (and free) way to support Luminesca is to help spread the word! Here are some easy things you can do to help:
Share the IndieGoGo widget on your website or link to the project page.
Follow @LuminescaGame on Twitter and retweet any big news.
‘Like’ Luminesca on Facebook and YouTube and share your thoughts.
Comment, share and talk about Luminesca as much as you can!
The more support the project gets, the better the game can be![/quote]

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